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Marble is a type of metamorphic limestone with colorful minerals, of which calcite is the main constituent mineral, which crystallizes and becomes larger during the metamorphic process. When limestone is exposed to high pressure and heat, it transforms into marble. This type of stone is found both uniformly and with veins of various colors. The streaks that are seen in it are due to the impurities that were present in the early limestone. The color variation of this material is due to the presence of materials such as iron oxide, silica, mica, serpentine, graphite and calcareous materials in its structure. Marble is found in colors not found in other natural stones. Due to its unique resistance and beauty, architects and interior designers use it to make their executive designs look more luxurious. This luxury stone gives splendor to the interior decoration and is worth investing in the interior design of the building due to its high strength and attractiveness.

Types of marble

This building and decorative stone has different types and its classification is done according to the color. White marble, green marble, pink, blue, etc. are examples of these stones. Also, different types are named according to the place of extraction. For example, Indian white marble is mined in India.

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What are the characteristics of marble?

Marble is very resistant to climate change and is not damaged by cold, heat and rain. This type of stone has a high polishing ability and can be polished. Marble has a shiny surface. The reason for this radiance is the penetration of light in the rock and its reflection by the underlying layers. In fact, some kind of internal reflection occurs. This sample stone is suitable for kitchen stones. Marble does not absorb heat and therefore its surface is always cool. Using it for building flooring cools the space. This material is anti-allergic and does not retain dust. It is easy to maintain and clean and can be cleaned with a damp cloth. Marble is used in interior decoration of buildings, sculpture, making marble tiles and as wall coverings of luxury services. The price of marble is higher compared to other stones used in the interior decoration of the building.

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Which stone has the property of transmitting light?

Marble has the property of transmitting light, and also Traonics stones, which are composed of marble and travertine veins, the parts that are marble reflect light.

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What is the price of marble?

Prices are changing due to market fluctuations. Please contact our experts to find out the price.

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What is the difference between marble and marble?

Marble is the result of metamorphic metamorphism. In fact, marble has undergone more metamorphosis than marble. Marble is obtained by changing travertine, but not marble.

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How much does it cost to transport marble?

The cost depends on the destination distance.

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