About Travertine Stone

About Travertine Stone

Travertine is a sedimentary rock formed in the span of spas, especially spa springs or caverns of lymphatic drainage. The process of forming this rock is only available in water that is saturated with calcium carbonate (CaO), the concentration of organic matter in them is small and their pH is greater than 8. In addition, the three basic principles, hot air and water flow faster than 0.5 to 3.5 m / s increase the probability and amount of travertine formation. Due to the stir and the flow of chemical equilibrium, CO2 is released and CO2 is released. The combination of this CO2 with calcium in the mineral water spring produces calcium carbonate then the substance is deposited in the river bed and, over time, with the depositing of other materials on it, forms travertine stone. It should be noted that the presence of bacteria and algae in the formation environment is one of the requirements of this process.

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